-The kids are really getting into our Egyptian history lessons...they will be sad to move on to something else. In the car a few days ago, Jonah said, "Mom, the Egyptians were realllly interesting people." I said, "I know, that's why we are studying them." He said, "They did all that stuff and didn't even have TECHNOLOGY!!" He just cracks me up. They especially were interested in the gross parts of embalming (like when Egyptians removed the brains with a brass hook through the nose before embalming...ewwww). They have also been into hieroglyphics and we made a replica of the Nile river that represented how the flooding each year used to water the crops grown close to the river -- here's some pictures:
-Soccer is going -- well, o.k. Jonah is a good goalie and is now starting to pick up some foot skills and be effective on offense -- in fact, he nearly scored last game and surprised us all! I think Jonah is really liking playing, but the coach quit, leaving me in "charge". Luckily we only have 1 more practice and 2 more games left, and then the end of season party. I'm half hoping that I can coach next spring...
-Mattie finally perfected her scratch spin -- she's been working on this off and on for a couple months, and really needed to "get" it to move on to the next level, and I think she's got it down:
She will be performing again in the Christmas program, both in a group and on her own as well.
And Kaisa is doing well - she's starting to make some friends, understanding her classes better, and doing some afterschool activities. She joined the Disc Golf club and is taking skating lessons as well. She is really an awesome kid, and it's nice to have her here.
That's all for now!