I was half-listening to the Bob Dutko show today while running to the grocery store.
It was "Free-For All" Friday -- and a caller was talking about being a mom, and the important roll we serve as moms. We are ultimately, servants. But before we begin to martyr ourselves right here and now and wallow in self-pity, let's think about what that means. She went on to say that by cheerfully and selflessly serving others, we are doing what we've been called by Christ to do. The conversation continued, talking about what significance mothers will have and the results they might someday see in heaven, with literally generations of believers there because of the bedtime prayers, devotions, and bible studies that went on in Christian households everywhere.
...Hmmm, I thought...
There are a lot of days I don't feel called by anyone.
And I certainly have a difficult time being cheerful with my chore list stretching endlessly in front of me.
Did anyone ever mention the pay and benefits package is really terrible at this job?
This morning, in fact, I woke up in a rotten mood, mostly because the very first thing my daughter said to me at 7:30 AM was: "We don't have ANY MILK! Haven't you gone grocery shopping YET?"
I poked open my eye, feeling miffed before even being fully awake and said, "Get out." (She was sitting on the side of the bed.)
"I said, Get Out. You didn't even say 'good morning' before whining and complaining. I'm not even awake yet!"
So she left the room, crying.
Now I feel grumpy and guilty...*sigh*. At 7:33 AM, I've already managed to make my daughter cry.
So I haul myself out of bed, preparing the talk. "Mom didn't mean to be grumpy...but I have feelings too! And I'm not a machine who can just go and go without ever resting. And boy, am I sick of the whining! You really need to appreciate what I do more..."
As I open the bedroom door at 7:36 AM, a little girl covered in a blanket stands at the entrance.
Barely a whisper, "Sorry."
And then, grace. Thank you God for grace.
"I forgive you. I love you. I'm sorry too."
Hugs and tears and cuddles all around.
Eternal significance before 7:40 AM.
Now that's the way to start the day.