These irises are from my backyard :) Makes me happy!
Already, the calendar is filling up.
We are doing a field trip blitz, it feels like, to end the school year. We've been to see the local Fiddling group (awesome!), gone to the youth theater for a production of Mulan, taken a family out to see our new baby chicks, collect eggs, and feed the big chickens, we're going to a 100 year old operational mill where they grow their own grains and mill them and sell them (all organic - yum), the summer reading program starts at the library, we have three local science center classes: one about birds and nests, one about sketching wildlife, and one about butterflies, strawberry picking and jam making, and we have VBS at the end of the month. Whew!
We are also trying to finish their Math workbooks and a lapbook each -- Mattie's will be about Judy Blume and the Fudge series (she's reading it right now), and Jonah's will be about Tadpoles and Frogs (we have a tank of them we are observing right now!) The bullfrog tadpoles and the smaller spring peepers are starting to grow's a little creepy actually.
And we have their Iowa tests coming in the middle of the month that I will have to administer and send back for evaluation. I am totally looking forward to getting those results.
In July, we are going to the cottage for about 9 days (BLISS!) and probably spending a lot of time at the pool soaking up rays and swimming.
The garden is chugging along, with the lettuce coming up, snap peas growing like crazy, and the tomatoes flowering. Only one bean plant though...hmmm, I'm wondering if I planted them too deep? I'm going to give thema few more days and then plant something else there if they don't sprout up.
Ahhh, summer. Busy but blissful.