Monday, January 19, 2009

Barack Obama

I'm thinking about tomorrow....Barack Obama will soon be our 44th president. I wonder how many other people will blog about this tonight? This poor man...the weight of the world (or at least the United States) is on his shoulders. It seems like he grows older with each new picture taken.
Although I voted for him, I almost think that he can never live up to the expectancies of the nation...after all, he is only one person. But maybe he knows he cannot do it alone, and will call on God to help him -- that's his best chance of success. Maybe his children and his wife will help him maintain his sense of humility and keep him grounded.
The historical significance of this day -- this is something I will look back on as an old woman and say, "That was a day that changed America. That was a step in the right direction."

Hold Barack Obama in the palm of your hand as he begins this most difficult journey. Keep him healthy and strong -- strong enough to do the job set before him. I know that you have a plan for us and for the nation. Keep his children and wife safe and let them continue to be a priority for him even as many other things crowd his mind. Most of all, increase his faith in you and remind him that YOU are the leader of this country and he is your servant.


Pam said...

Wow, Sarah! I didn't know you had a blog. This is awesome! Heidi, will you add it to your list so I can check it daily! Awesome blog, by the way! Terrific prayer! Amen!

Heidi said...

Yeah Sarah! I saw your comment come up on my email and was thinking, who is this Ethelapple person, and I am so glad to see it was you!

Emily said...

Well said. I'm glad you're "here."

Sharing Thoughts on Things I Love said...

I have blogged for a long time...just not on here...I decided to check this out when Heidi sent out her Christmas cards with her blog name in!