The school year is winding down. After Easter break, Mattie asked if we could "just be done now" -- the weather started getting beautiful, the outdoors is calling to us, soccer practices started, and I wanted to be done with the books too. We have loosened our school schedule (or what there was of it) and have been doing more science experiments, more long-term research projects, gardening, and journal writings and less slogging through workbooks. I'd still like them to both finish their Math workbooks before the official end of the year, but I won't lose sleep if they don't finish every last bit.
I have grand plans of course for next year. The whole family went to Cinncinnati for the homeschooling conference, and I am filled with new ideas, new curriculum choices, and good solid Christian homeschooling advice from some really inspirational speakers! I'd like to start a family website and blog next year with Tim's help, one that the kids can blog on. It will be useful for computer and typing skills and still help them journal regularly. I'm going to switch Jonah's math program and add an elementary Spanish program for them both. I'd also really like to find a great Bible study to do with them. We have been winging it thus far, talking about character traits, some memorization and Bible copy work, reading aloud from the Bible, but I'd like to make it a more regular part of our school day.
Kaisa's year is flying by too...she just had prom and was in the school play. She really doesn't want to go home, but I keep telling her she has to mentally prepare herself for it. I think it will be a tough goodbye.
Here's some pictures to end with...enjoy!
Mattie's skating performance this spring....
Kaisa's prom dress
Garden ....snap peas popping up!
Mattie's new cast....
Jonah's Birthday Surprise! A Wii!
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