It's no secret that winter is NOT my favorite season. I'm not a big fan of the cold winds, nothing GROWS in the winter -- except maybe my impatience -- and I'm always freezing. I always daydream about trips that take me closer to the equator. I get cabin fever.
However, when I heard about the big storm coming in this week, I was sort of excited. One of my few favorite activities in the winter is shoveling snow. You heard right, shoveling snow! I love going out before everyone's up after a snowfall, when the world is white, clean, crisp, quiet, and new and clearing a path. I like getting warmer as I shovel a path to the cars and the garage, taking off my hat as I work up a sweat. I like seeing the kid's faces peeking out the windows once they wake up and asking, "Can we come out now?" I like helping out my neighbors and feeling like I'm part of a real neighborhood where we look out for each other.
Then Tim comes out and starts up the snowblower and really gets to work, clearing the bigger areas. The kids and I, done with our work, play -- throwing snowballs, making angels in the backyard, getting out the sleds. Then the kids head to the school where the BIG piles are to play with their friends. They play for what seems like hours!! Afterwards, we have some hot chocolate with cinnamon toast and snuggle down to do schoolwork.
Days like this make the dreary winter seem to pass more quickly.
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