I have a close friend who has been hospitalized recently. She is a busy and wonderful mom with three kids. When I found out she was having health problems, my heart went out to her husband and children who were surely feeling the loss of having mom at home. A group of moms immediately started praying, getting meals together, and providing childcare to help them. I had the joy of having her boys at my house for the day today.
My first conversation with her littlest went like this:
Him: I hafta go potty! (he is potty training)
Me: O.K., let me show you where it is...(Leading him to the potty)
Him: Stay with me o.k....sometimes this is scary.
Me: (trying not to smile) O.k.
Him: When I go Pee in the potty, I get chocolate chips.
Me: (slightly frantic) Uhhh, I don't have any chocolate chips....but maybe I have M+Ms?
I go out to the cupboard and dig 5 M+Ms out of a bag of trail mix.
Him: Mmmmm, M+Ms are good.
Silence as he munches, still sitting on the potty.
Him: AND....when I go POOP.....(completely serious, not even cracking a smile) I get a BIIIG cookie.
I was laughing so hard, I was crying -- this kid was trying to bilk me out of more treats!
Watching these boys today, I know that God has a plan for them and their mom and dad. Please, God, help her get healthy again, guide the doctors and the treatment, and keep their family ever focused on you. Protect them, comfort them, and give them peace.
1 comment:
Sarah = angels among us (an angel with M & M's I might add)
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