Sunday, February 15, 2009

Top Ten: Chores

These are my favorite things to do around the house (if I have to do chores around the house):

1. Wash/Fold Laundry
2. Mow the Lawn
3. Vaccum
4. Empty Trash Cans/Take out Trash
5. Cook
6. Clean the kitchen
7. Unload the dishwasher
8. Make the beds
9. Clean the kid's rooms
10. Wash windows

I absolutely HATE to hand-wash dishes and mop floors. I absolutely LOVE to do laundry, cook, and mow the lawn.
What do you all like/dislike to do?


Heidi said...

I hate to do floors as well. Not sure what my favorite chores would be probably straightening and cleaning the counters and dusting but I don't think any would be classified as favorites unless someone else is doing them!

Emily said...

You can come to my house, anytime. I like to vacuum and dust. I don't mind doing laundry, but I hate putting the clothes away.

Anonymous said...

Chores I "like"? hmmm.
I compulsively clean my kitchen. Don't mind doing laundry or cooking or even vacuuming.

Honestly, I could do without chores at all. :D

I completely despise cleaning toilets & bathtubs, mopping, and dusting. Just give me a spreadsheet project and I'm happy.

Liz said...

I would joyously hand wash your and my dishes if you'd cook for us. I don't even mind mopping the floors - though I should admit prior to having kids I have been known for mopping the floors on all fours using a large rag just to make sure I got to all the cracks and crevices and everything was thoroughly cleaned. Have you ever thought of community chores co-op? Where we'd pick one or two chores and do it in all the homes, while others do our least favourite chores? I'm sure there are million and one kinks that need to be addressed. Signing off with a completely messy kitchen and with two kids currently making more off a mess.

Sharing Thoughts on Things I Love said...

Liz -
I would love to cook for you...not sure what I'd serve exactly, but I would surely try to do something both kiddos could eat! :)