Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Fun times! Since most of February was spent either sick or hibernating, we decided today was just the right weather to hit the slopes. And by slopes, I mean sledding hill! Sidenote: Advantages of homeschooling include no traffic on the hills.


Heidi said...

I love the picture of Maddie sledding uphill :)!

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

HEY! Is that Rolling Hills? If so, I used to work there!

Thanks for your comment today - didn't remember you were a Michigander and livin' near my old stompin' grounds! LOL

Sharing Thoughts on Things I Love said...

no, but rolling hills is about 15 min away. this is van buren park in Belleville... :)

Anonymous said...

At some point you must try out Cousino Hill. :D