Saturday, February 28, 2009

To Do Lists

Today's agenda for Tim and me basically summed up the kind of people we are:

Tim's List: Fix a computer for a friend, do some work for BIL's business, and relax.

Sarah's List: Get eyebrows waxed, hair cut, pick up bedding for the rat's cage, take Mattie to skating and sign up Jonah for swimming, finish laundry (fold and put away), clean our bedroom and change our sheets, steam clean the carpet in our room, bake for memorial tomorrow, maybe take a walk or hike.

As we were exchanging lists of the "to-do" variety, we realized (for the millionth time) that Tim really likes to relax on the weekends, and I really like to get myself in over my head and then after only completing half of my list, complain I didn't get anything done. I feel like the perpetual Martha. Sometimes I even see sleep as a waste of time because I can't get more things done!
What makes me antagonize myself like this? Is it a woman thing? A mom thing? A Sarah thing?

In any case, by writing it down, I have acknowledged this to be a problem, and realize that I cannot humanly get to everything on my list everyday. I want to say to myself: GIVE ME A BREAK.

Here's to a happy and relaxing weekend to you all!

4 comments: said...

Sarah...I am SO that way too. Erik will even suggest that we take turns napping (so an adult is always awake with the kids) and I say "too much to do...can't sleep/relax until it is done!".

Heidi said...

You are so funny!! I love it! I like that you put eyebrow waxing and such on your list... to me that is relaxing, and it gets checked off the list, BONUS!

Heidi said...

P.S. Can't wait to see if you got that haircut you've been wanting!

Liz said...

You're not alone sister. The world needs us folk to keep the world spinning...and if this really turns out to be a problem..we'll go into a luxurious spa, I mean, therapy together, the kids and hubby can relax the weekend away..and we'll all be happier for it!!